The Gospel Wedding Choir
The Magic that is New Orleans is encapsulated within the vocal harmonies of the city’s most prolific Gospel Wedding Choir,” The Spirit of New Orleans “. No choir from this region has done more to spread the love of gospel music about. This fantastic Choir has been performing for decades around New Orleans and even the world. Their performances have won over Statesmen, fortune 500 Companies and Hollywood celebrities. They are sure to be a hit with you, friends and family alike. The sheer awesomeness of 20 to 30 angelic voices is certainly enough to send any ceremony over the top. Make no mistake, it’s the timbre of all those magnificent voices dancing off the walls of great churches and halls throughout New Orleans. That’s the magic! When you hire The Spirit of New Orleans choir, you suddenly have (at your disposal) the very best gospel and Secular music offerings you can imagine. You can now individually tailor your music to your specific liking, even if it’s a mixture of several genres of today’s music.
So you’ve got your eye on New Orleans, one of the world’s premier wedding destinations? Don’t worry, you’ve honed in on the right spot. It really is “different here”. This is the place to make your wedding sizzle! New Orleans is also the home of one of the most noted gospel and Soul Choirs of the South, The Spirit of New Orleans Choir. This famous choir can enhance the most elegant ceremony. They have performed throughout the world(Italy, Germany, France, Croatia , Poland, Portugal Switzerland and even The Virgin Islands. This group has entertained the likes of Colin Powell, Garry Shandling, The Canadian Government Council, U S Governors/Statesmen and countless fortune 500 companies. It ‘s no wonder that these talented singers have become favorites the world over. They have truly become known as “ The New Orleans Wedding Choir” of late. They are the icing on the cake and the cork that top’s the bottle for your very special event. Feel free to sample their music on this site.